
The Regberegbe of Ijebuland is dedicated to preserving our rich cultural heritage, fostering unity, and promoting community development. Through various initiatives, events, and collaborations, we strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and ensure the continued growth of our people.


Regberegbe is a Yoruba term that refers to age-grade groups, particularly among the Ijebu people of Nigeria. In traditional Ijebu society, people are grouped into Regberegbe based on their age and social status. These groups serve various functions, including social organization, community development, and leadership roles.


Experience the rich traditions of Ijebu culture through our vibrant and historic events. From the grand Ojude Oba Festival to the prestigious Entering the Palace ceremony, these gatherings celebrate our heritage, unity, and community spirit. 

Entering the Palace

This prestigious event is a formal visit to the palace, where members of Regberegbe Okunrin Akile and other groups pay respects to the Awujale. It is a moment of cultural significance, symbolizing loyalty, respect, and the continuation of long-standing traditions. Join us as we celebrate these remarkable events that define...

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Ojude Oba 2025

Ojude Oba is a grand cultural festival celebrated by the Ijebu people, honoring the Awujale of Ijebuland. It is a time of rich traditions, colorful parades, and deep-rooted heritage. Families, age-grade groups (Regberegbe), and well-wishers gather to pay homage to the king in a spectacular display of unity and pride

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Join the Brotherhood

Be part of a vibrant community that values culture, tradition, and development. As a member, you’ll connect with like-minded individuals, participate in prestigious events, and contribute to the progress of Ijebuland.